Herbal Treatment of Acne Adult in Comparison of Over the Counter Acne
Treatment Products.

The following article presents the very latest information on Acne. If
you have a particular interest in Acne, then this informative article
is required reading.

The best time to learn about Acne is before you're in the thick of
things. Wise readers will keep reading to earn some valuable Acne
experience while it's still free.

Herbal Treatment of Acne:

Conventional treatment of acne are usually quite successful. They can
include cleansing agents and lotions made with benzoyl peroxide, gels
or creams made modified forms of vitamin A, and antibiotics applied to
the skin or taken orally. The risk of scarring is an important factor
when considering the type of treatment.


A diet based on whole, unprocessed foods may benefit people with acne.
Try to eat at least five servings of vegetables per day and at least
one serving of fruit per day. Avoid eating refined sugar. Fried foods
and trans fats such as milk, milk products, margarine, shortening, and
other hydrogenated vegetable oils should be eliminated. Foods
containing healthy omega-3 oils such as ground flaxseeds and sardines
should be increased. Some people find that chocolate, caffeine,
carbonated beverages, iodized salt, shellfish, wheat and/or milk
products aggravate acne.

Regular bowel movements are important. Drink at least 8 glasses of day
of water. Increase fiber intake. In addition to eating fresh
vegetables and fruit, choose whole grains. Some people may benefit
from a one- to four-week liver detox diet based on fresh vegetables
and fruit.

Vitamins Nutritional Supplements

Vitamin A—Vitamin A may help to reduce sebum production. However,
high doses of vitamin A can carry a risk of decreased bone density,
birth defects, headache, and muscle and joint pain. Like the modified
vitamin A prescription drugs, vitamin A can cause birth defects.
Sexually active women of childbearing age should not take more than
5,000 IU per day unless they are under the guidance of a professional
and are using at least two reliable forms of birth control. Vitamin A
supplementation may not be necessary if there is adequate intake of
beta-carotene, vitamin E, and zinc, all necessary for vitamin A
formation. Decreasing unhealthy fats such as margarine, hydrogenated
oils, processed foods, and other sources of transfats can also improve

Zinc—Zinc, especially in the form of zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate,
can help prevent acne. Zinc helps heal blemishes, reduces
inflammation, and reduces androgenic hormonal effects on the skin.
Begin by increasing food sources of zinc. Two studies comparing zinc
to the antibiotic tetracycline found zinc to be as effective as
tetracycline. Another study found a mild yet definite effect of zinc.

Vitamin B6—Vitamin B6 may help premenstrual or mid-cycle acne. This
vitamin is essential for the proper metabolism of steroid hormones and
can reduce the sensitivity of skin to the effects of testosterone.

Herbal Treatment of Acne:

A herbal blend that can help with acne consists of equal parts of the
herbal extracts of sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock, and cleavers.
These herbs are believed to be potent blood and lymph cleansers. Half
a teaspoon per day of this blend can be taken three times per day
combined with a healthy diet.

Spot application of tea tree oil to erupted blemishes can help to
eliminate bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Herbal Treatment of Acne Adult in Comparison of Over the Counter Acne
Treatment Products.

When adult acne is treated in a doctor's office it's called "acne
surgery". When done at home, it's called squeezing pimples. It gets
immediate results—but when you squeeze pimples at home, you are
begging for infection and scars. And squeezing or picking at pimples
is a great way to get your acne to spread. Don't do it! Doctors use a
special sterile instrument to prevent scarring, infection, and acne

Or you can check out the skin care products aisle at your local drug
store. If you've ever tried to buy acne remedies, you know the drug
store is loaded with all kinds of products. Which ones should you use?
It's not an easy choice, says dermatologist Julie Anne Winfield, Mill
Valley, Calif.

"Which treatment is best depends on which type of acne you have,"
Winfield tells WebMD. "It may well be worth a visit to dermatologist.
herbal acne treatment, herbal acne treatments, herbal treatment for acne, herbal treatments for acne


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