Baking Soda , Eggs , Oatmeal - HOMEMADE ACNE MASK

Baking Soda , Eggs , Oatmeal - HOMEMADE ACNE MASK

If you are one of the many people who are afflicted with acne, then you know that treating your acne with commercial acne-relieving products is usually very expensive. However, you can treat your acne at home with some simple and inexpensive homemade acne creams that use common household items as their primary ingredients. You can effectively treat acne with homemade creams made from eggs, baking soda and oatmeal.

Both egg yolks and egg whites can make effective homemade acne creams. However, you should not use egg-based homemade acne creams if you are allergic to eggs. Egg yolks are particularly good for relieving acne scars. You can make a homemade egg yolk acne scar cream by separating an egg yolk and whipping it with a fork or whisk. Apply it to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes, then thoroughly rinse it off of your face


Egg whites are good for clearing the skin of red spots. You can separate the egg whites from the yolk and whip them with a whisk or fork until they are frothy. Then, apply the mixture to your face, leave on for 20 minutes and then completely rinse with warm water.
Baking Soda
A very simple, but effective homemade acne cream is baking soda and water. Wash your face with a mild cleanser and dry. Then, mix equal parts of baking soda and water to make a paste. Apply it directly to your face and leave it on for approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Some people report a stinging or burning sensation with the use of this homemade acne cream. You can alleviate this sensation by rinsing off the mixture and then applying a toner or moisturizer to your face.
Oatmeal has been shown to pull out excess oil from the face and reduce the inflammation and redness that accompanies acne. Oatmeal is also a skin softener. You can make a basic homemade oatmeal acne cream by mixing one cup of uncooked oatmeal with a small amount of water to make a very thick paste. Apply the oatmeal paste to your skin and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse the mixture off your face with cold water.

You can also make this oatmeal-based cream to reduce acne scarring. Stir together one tablespoon each of oatmeal, yogurt and sour cream. Then, add about three drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the mixture to your acne scars and leave on for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse off with cold water


Anonymous said...

for the last mask, with the oatmeal lemon juice yogurt and sour cream, does vanilla yogurt work just as good as plain yogurt? and also, is my face suppose to feel a little dried up afterwards?

Anonymous said...

I have scars on my cheeks and I'm going to try the egg one later on I was wondering how long do you have to keep this up for the scars to be gone?

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